Blockchain’s basic understanding of daily ecosystems can optimize the utilization of people and physical resources. Blockchain refers to digital databases or ledgers in which information is recorded as “blocks” that are linked together to form “chains.” Each of the various computers or users connected in a network has an exact copy of the blockchain. Any new information added or altered via a new block must be verified and accepted by more than half of the total users.
Associate Professor of Law at VU Amsterdam, Dr Thibault Schrepel, is organizing a legal blockchain conference with several high ranking officials, including Hester Peirce, an FTC commissioner, officials from the European Commission and OECD, as well as an EU judge.
President Donald J. Trump selected Hester M. Peirce to the Securities and Exchange Commission, and she was sworn in on January 11, 2018.
Prior to joining the SEC, Commissioner Peirce worked at George Mason University’s Mercatus Centre on financial market regulation research. In addition, she served on the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs as a Senior Counsel, where she counselled Ranking Member Richard Shelby and other Committee members on securities matters.
The agenda of this conference is to discuss Dr Schrepel’s book Blockchain + Antitrust, which explores the relationship between blockchain and antitrust, emphasizing the reciprocal benefits that arise from collaboration between the two and offering a unique viewpoint on how law and technology could work together. In addition to this, the latest developments in space will also be discussed.
The program is available at, and you may register at