7 Popular Options Trading Strategies- Know It All!!

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We all know about the great Wall Street of New York. It is the epicenter of the global financial market and plays an important role in the stock markets worldwide. With perfect knowledge about the functioning of the financial markets, investors can earn greater profits with speculation. So, here we provide you with some of the trading strategies in options that can be used to your advantage.

But letโ€™s start learning about the know-how of Options.

What are Option Contracts?

A contract between two parties that grants one party the right, but not the obligation, to purchase or sell a certain asset at a given price on or before a given date is known as an option. Investors can make predictions about or protect themselves against the volatility of an underlying asset or stock using this kind of derivative instrument.

The option writer (seller) and the option holder (buyer) are the two parties to the option contract.

Transferring ownership in exchange for the right to purchase or sell shares at a future price and date in consideration for a premium that is paid to the option writer is known as writing an option. 

Options Strategies

Owing to its flexibility and profit-making possibilities, option trading has grown in popularity among traders and investors. The market forecast and risk tolerance will determine which of the several options trading methods to employ. These are, nevertheless, often classed as common and complex strategies for beginners and expert traders, respectively.

7 Popular Options Trading Strategies

Common Options Strategies

These are defined as basic strategies that involve buying and selling of only one option, be it a call or a put option. Common strategies are ideal for newcomers as it is easier to analyze risks using these strategies. Some of the most popular common option trading strategies are:ย 

Long Call

This approach works best when the trader has a strong bullish view of the underlying asset, meaning the investor is confident that the asset will appreciate in value over time. Therefore, if it is anticipated that the price will rise over the strike price before expiration, purchasing a call option will be lucrative.

A long call strategy’s risk is limited at the premium paid to purchase the option, but if the value of the underlying asset keeps rising, the possible profit is unbounded.

Therefore, we can say that this bullish strategy allows participation in upside moves with limited downside risk.

Long Put

The option buyer should purchase a put option to profit from the situation when the trader or investor believes that the market will be negative and extremely bearish in the future. Thus, the put option gains value in proportion to the extent that the underlying asset’s price drops below the strike price.

Additionally, in this instance, the highest loss is limited to the premium paid at the beginning of the option contract. However, if the value asset decreases to zero, the possible gains will equal the strike price less the premium paid.

Short Call

Short Call strategy is from the perspective of option sellers. In this scenario, the trader is selling the call option, that is, writing the option contract.  Therefore, selling a call option is a good course of action when an investor is expecting a market decline (hoping that the underlying asset will not rise beyond the strike price before the expiration date) or an exceptionally bearish move.

One thing to keep in mind is that, with limited projected earnings (which are equivalent to the premium received to write the call), the risk associated with this decision is unlimited and dependent on market conditions.

Short Put

Investors typically short put options, which is basically selling the put option, if they are positive about the market and believe the price of the underlying asset may rise. If the asset’s price stays above the strike price until the option expires, profits will be made.

The premium obtained from selling the put would be the option seller’s greatest possible gain, while the risk involved would be limitless due to market volatility.

7 Popular Options Trading Strategies

Complex Options Strategies

Because of the usage of more than one option, there arises complexity in the analyses of the market fluctuations. But these complex strategies yield higher profits even after posing a challenge to forecast the market trends. Let’s look at some of the complex strategies. 

Bull Call Spread

Purchasing an in-the-money call option at a lower strike price and simultaneously selling an out-of-the-money higher call option at a higher strike price with the same expiration date results in a bull call spread. This is typically employed when an investor has a reasonable amount of market optimism. By using this approach, the investor lowers the option’s breakeven point and lowers the cost of entering the market. 

The risk that is associated with this strategy would be equal to the initial amount paid while establishing the position. However, the maximum profits would equal the difference between the strike price and the net debit paid.

Bear Put Spread

When an investor has a mildly negative outlook on the market and is not anticipating significant market volatility, this is a lucrative approach. Buying put options at a higher strike price and selling the same quantity of put options at a lower strike price with the same expiration dates concurrently results in a bear put spread. The trader or investor is lowering the cost of entering the position and raising the option’s break even price by doing this.

The loss will occur when the market would go in a positive direction which is limited to the initial premium paid while setting the option contract. On the other hand, the profits will be earned when the underlying goes down and becomes negative which hence, equals the strike price less the net premium paid. 


In a strangle strategy, the investor buys a call and a put option with a different strike price. Both must have the same expiration date and be out-of-the-money options on the same underlying asset. It is mostly employed when an investor anticipates a significant fluctuation in the price of the underlying asset but is uncertain about the course of the move.

One noteworthy finding is that when the market is moving upward (above the call strike) or downward (below the put strike), the investor will profit indefinitely. The method does, however, carry a risk that is equal to the contract entry premium.

7 Popular Options Trading Strategies


Strategies for trading options provide traders and investors with a multitude of ways to profit from different market conditions. The aforementioned options trading strategies illustrate simple and complex methods for profitably using options based on individual outlooks and market swings. Options can be customized to fit any level of risk tolerance or market conditions due to their wide range of strikes, expirations, and structures. But before incorporating any method into a trading portfolio, it’s critical to fully comprehend the benefits and potential risks associated with it. Thus, investors can potentially increase returns on their investment initiatives and successfully limit risk by carefully choosing and implementing option trading techniques.

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Swati Chauhan
Swati Chauhan

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