RPL Price Analysis January 2023

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RPL is a token of the platform Rocket Pool. Its current price is around $38.72 at the time of writing, with a low of $7.31, and it has a market cap of 398 million dollars.

What is Rocket Pool (RPL)?

RPL is the coin of the Rocket Pool platform, which is around $38.72 at the time of writing, with a low of $7.31. After that, it reached $42.74, and its current ranking is #91, according to CoinMarketCap, with a market cap of 398 million dollars.

Rocket Pool is a decentralized staking pool that allows users to stake ETH 2.0 without requiring high capital and hardware investments. By joining forces with reliable node operators, the protocol works to enhance the security & decentralization of the Ethereum network.

By joining the Rocket Pool decentralized node operator network, you can earn commission from staking ETH & RPL rewards in return for providing RPL collateral. Node operators handle no funds, and any penalties incurred are removed from their profits. Rest assured that rETH holders will not be liable for any liabilities.

RPL Coin Market Analysis 

RPL has a total supply of 18,970,871 coins worth around $38.72 with a market volume of 20 million dollars, whereas the market capitalization is 398 million dollars at writing. In addition, rocket Pool has been certified as secure and operational by a few notable auditing firms, including Sigma Prime & Consensys Diligence. This gives users confidence in the protocol’s ability to meet their needs.

RPL Price Prediction

Investing in Rocket Pool carries certain risks, like any other cryptocurrency. Yet, its prospects are brighter than most due to the practical applications of its technology, efficient tokenomics, strong user base, and competent team.

On the 1W timeframe, the price action of $RPL/USDT is rejected from the previous high level. If it breaks its previous high level, then we can see a new high. Currently, we have to wait for further price action.

For any time, on-demand analysis on $RPL or any other coin can join our Telegram channel.

RPL Price Analysis
RPL Price Analysis

Closing Thoughts

The Crypto market is known for its volatile nature. According to the above analysis, the coins we discussed might prove to be profitable if other market conditions prevail favorably. We suggest you engage in adequate research before investing in any digital assets.

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