

Introducing The ‘Warning’ Symbol

Introducing the ‘Warning’ symbol

Our analysis found many projects have millions of $$ in market cap but no development activity. We are worried that exchanges are not doing due diligence and exposing investors to these toxic projects.

Commit Rank is now Activity Rank

Our goal is to convey development sentiment as accurately as possible. Last week, we have tweaked CoinCodeCap ranking, this week we have added one more metrics in our Ranking. Commit Rank ranks cryptocurrencies based on their commits and active authors, this week we are adding the number of releases also in this metrics and from now on we will call it Activity ranking.
Blockchain Developer

Blockchain Developers – Everything you need to know

When considering switching our careers to become a blockchain developer, we must study the job market of blockchain developers to see if this is still an in-demand skill. According to LinkedIn’s recent report about the most in-demand soft and hard skills, blockchain…

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