Tweaking CoinCodeCap Ranking Algo

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At CoinCodeCap, we continuously think about how to covey development sentiment in a better way.

Tweaking CoinCodeCap Ranking Algo

We have two types of Ranking

  • Commit based Ranking
  • Overall project Ranking

Commit based ranking

Recently, we have introduced active authors metrics where we analyze each and every commit of a Crypto project and extract active authors(contributors) on the codebase. 

We know that commit based ranking is not perfect to convey development sentiment, so we are adding Active authors in our Commit based ranking. 

Now the ranking calculation is for a given timeframe will be. 

Weekly ranking — (Numbers of commits in the last week * 1) + (Number of active authors in the last week * 10)

Monthly ranking — (Numbers of commits in the last 1 month * 1) + (Number of active authors in the last 1 month * 10)

Quarterly months ranking — (Numbers of commits in the last 3 months * 1) + (Number of active authors in last 3 months * 10)

Half-yearly ranking — (Numbers of commits in the last 6 months * 1) + (Number of active authors in the last 6 months * 10)

Yearly ranking — (Numbers of commits in last 1 year * 1) + (Number of active authors in last 1 year * 10)

Tweaking CoinCodeCap Ranking Algo

Overall Ranking

We also tweaked Overall ranking by replacing total contributors(authors) with active authors in one year. Now the overall ranking formula is 

Overall rank — Number of stars * 1 + Number of Watchers * 1 + Number of commit points * 5 + Number of active authors * 10 

Tweaking CoinCodeCap Ranking Algo

In both rankings, we do not account for forked repos. (We do manually check each and every repo while listing a project and decided if we want to include any repo in our ranking).

Next, we are going to account the project’s releases data into our Ranking. 

About CoinCodeCap

CoinCodeCap analyzes codebase of various cryptocurrencies. Anyone can showcase development activity on their platform using our APIs. We also help in development audit reports for Cryptocurrencies. You can reach us at [email protected].

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