Category World

10 Richest Women in the World

10 Richest Women in the World

In a world where males have traditionally held positions of wealth and power, more and more women are shattering the patriarchal structure and becoming billionaires. The wealthiest people on the planet will see a sharp rise in their net worthโ€ฆ

9 Countries with No Income Tax

9 Countries with No Income Tax

Taxes are among the most common ways for a country to generate revenue and income tax typically contributes significantly to it. On the other hand, residents and citizens of several nations are exempt from income tax. When a state generatesโ€ฆ

Top 10 Most Handsome Men In The World

Top 10 Most Handsome Men In The World

In this article, we will look at the top 10 most handsome men in the world. These men have looks and skills at the same time. Not only are they talented in their fields, but they also make great impactsโ€ฆ

Top 25 Economies in the World

Top 25 Economies in the World

Economy of the country and its impact on the global economy is measured through Gross Domestic Product (GDP). GDP is the market value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country during a specific period of time. โ€ฆ

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