Harsh Panghal

Harsh Panghal

The First 5000 Days

The First 5000 Days: Digital Collage worth whopping $69 Million

The First 5000 Days is a collection of all the 5000 images Beeple created from May 1st, 2007, to January 7th, 2021. It is arranged chronologically from left to right and top to bottom, forming a massive mosaic that measures 21,069 by 21,069 pixels. The artwork invites the viewer to zoom in and explore each image and appreciate the overall composition and evolution of Beeple’s style and vision.
Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality: The 3 Strong Cryptos in this blockchain space

Virtual reality (VR) creates dynamic and interactive simulations of natural or imagined spaces. VR has many applications, such as gaming, entertainment, education, health care, etc. VR also connects with the crypto space, as some projects use blockchain technology to create decentralized platforms that enable users to access, create, and trade VR content and assets. Here, we will delve into the top 3 cryptos in virtual reality space that have the most potential and popularity. 

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