Hong Kong urges major banks to accept crypto exchanges as clients

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Key takeaways:

  • In the midst of a global crackdown, Hong Kong’s regulator encourages lenders to embrace cryptocurrency exchanges.
  • Accepting cryptocurrency exchanges as clients benefits both banks and the cryptocurrency industry. 

The global rise of cryptocurrencies has brought about a paradigm shift in the financial landscape, challenging traditional banking institutions to adapt to the evolving needs of their customers. In the midst of this digital revolution, Hong Kong has emerged as a progressive force, urging major banks to embrace the world of crypto by accepting crypto exchanges as clients. 

In a recent report, it was revealed that the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) had raised questions to both U.K.-based firms and the Bank of China regarding their reluctance to onboard cryptocurrency exchanges as clients. 

The information was disclosed by three individuals familiar with the matter. The HKMA held a meeting in May where they inquired about the banks’ reasons for not engaging with crypto exchanges.

Just a few weeks earlier, on April 27, the HKMA had issued a circular to banking institutions, urging them to stay abreast of emerging market developments and adopt a more proactive approach towards new sectors, including the cryptocurrency market.

Accepting crypto exchanges as clients offers mutual benefits to both banks and the crypto industry. Banks can diversify their revenue streams and attract a new customer base, generating additional income through transaction fees, custodial services, and tailored value-added services. 

Crypto exchanges, in turn, gain access to reliable banking services, improving operational efficiency and credibility. Partnerships with reputable banks enable them to offer enhanced financial services like seamless fiat currency integration, secure storage solutions, and streamlined regulatory compliance. 

Hong Kong created a framework in June to legalise cryptocurrency purchasing, selling, and trading for all people, with grandiose plans to become an Asian crypto superpower.

The domestic market has grown more confident as Hong Kong adopts more progressive crypto rules and instruments.  Recently, it was reported that the Bank of China issues tokenized assets on Ethereum in Hong Kong. 

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Aadrika Sharma
Aadrika Sharma

I enjoy writing and try to learn new things every passing day!

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