$24 Million SOL Trapped in Lido’s Solana Staking Protocol

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Key takeaways:

  • Over $21 million in Solana is currently locked in Lido’s DeFi protocol, impacting 31,585 users.
  • Lido’s cessation of services on Solana has created withdrawal challenges for users due to a bug.

In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, issues and challenges are not uncommon. The recent discovery of an issue within the smart contracts of the Lido protocol on the Solana blockchain has left many users grappling with the complexity of recovering their staked Solana (stSOL) tokens. 

With millions of dollars at stake, the urgency to find a solution has never been greater.

Lido on Solana, once hailed as a beacon of opportunity for Solana (SOL) holders seeking passive income through staking, has encountered a significant setback. The platform, which offered a 5% annual yield, was discontinued last October due to financial sustainability concerns and low fees. 

Despite warnings and deadlines, a sizable amount of stSOL remained staked when the user-friendly front end was discontinued in February, leaving users with the arduous task of manually unstaking via Solana’s command line interface (CLI).

The transition to the CLI proved to be daunting for many users, highlighting the need for a more accessible solution. Compounded by a recent bug discovered in the smart contracts, the process of withdrawing stSOL has become even more challenging. 

Pavel Pavlov, a product manager at P2P, the firm responsible for running Lido on Solana, acknowledged the issue on March 30, citing the complexity and time required to address it.

The current snag lies in the withdrawal process of the smart contract, specifically in its use of the split function. 

$24 Million Sol Trapped In Lido'S Solana Staking Protocol


Rectifying this issue involves navigating a labyrinth of technical complexities and coordination with Lido DAO. With the stakes high and the clock ticking, affected stakeholders are eagerly awaiting a resolution.

In response to the crisis, Lido DAO, alongside technical experts and key stakeholders, is exploring alternative avenues to unlock the trapped funds. While the ideal solution would involve rectifying the smart contract, interim measures are being considered to expedite the unstaking process without compromising security or user experience.

Despite the challenges, there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon. The Solana ecosystem is known for its resilience and innovation, offering potential solutions to mitigate the impact of the Lido liquid-staking debacle. 

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Aadrika Sharma
Aadrika Sharma

I enjoy writing and try to learn new things every passing day!

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