Tag bitcoin

Bitcoin Uses 56% of Renewable Energy

Bitcoin Energy Consumption

Why is everyone concerned about bitcoin’s energy use, from Elon Musk to Janet Yellen? Elon Musk said Tesla has halted purchases of vehicles with bitcoin due to concerns over the “rapidly increasing use of fossil fuels for bitcoin mining.” thereafter…

ColdLar Dreamer Review: The Hardware Wallet

Consider acquiring an extremely secure container to store all your priceless coins that would be impossible for anyone to breach, even with extreme effort. Imagine that now, but with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and others, that’s the main purpose of ColdLar…

Cryptocurrency to Replace Fiat Money?

Cryptocurrency to Replace Fiat Money?

Cryptocurrencies have been around for over a decade now. During this time, bitcoin has secured the status of the most popular and dominant digital currency. Though it has faced some ups and downs, its value continues to increase. Some experts…

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