Signum Digital Achieves Security Token Offering Approval from Hong Kong’s SFCThe Securities Token Offering from Signum Digital has received preliminary approval from the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission.DeepMarch 17, 2023News
Hong Kong’s crypto integration efforts gets backing from China, reportRepresentatives from the China Liaison Office have been frequenting Hong Kong crypto gatherings to get a grasp of what's going on.Saniya RaahathFebruary 21, 2023News
Hong Kong retailers may shortly be able to trade cryptocurrencyHong Kong's Financial Secretary, Paul Chan, has pledged to work towards establishing the territory as a hub for the cryptocurrency industry.Aadrika SharmaFebruary 20, 2023News
Hong Kong comes up with regulations to become a crypto hubHong Kong is working hard to supervise the cryptocurrency market appropriately so that technologies like Web3 can reach their full potential.DeepJanuary 9, 2023News
Hong Kong Brokers Seek the SFC Authorization in Advance of New Virtual Asset Trading LegislationThe legislation approved by the Hong Kong Legislative Council will soon let ordinary investors purchase virtual assets, and local financial businesses are vying for license approval.DeepJanuary 4, 2023News
2 AAX executives arrested in Hong Kong on Fraud chargesThe company's founder, Thor Chan, and its former CEO, Liang Haoming, were detained by police on December 23.DeepDecember 24, 2022News
Hong Kong to List First Crypto Futures ETFsThe ETFs, one tied to Bitcoin futures and the other to Ether futures traded on the CME, are being introduced by CSOP Asset Management.Aadrika SharmaDecember 16, 2022News